
This shows how to use the OCI API to start & stop your OIC instance.

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This python script, start_stop.py, uses the OCI API to start & stop your Oracle Integration instance, and get announcements.

For more information on Oracle Integration, click here.

You can also accomplish this task with Postman, the beginning of which is detailed here & here.

You can run this flask API & cron job for free on OCI compute.

Why do this

The information below is subject to change - verify with your Oracle rep.

For your dev & test instances of OIC - you are not constantly in these systems using them. While these instances are stopped - you are not billed for them (up to 480 hours/744 total hours per month). So you can reduce your bill for your dev/test instances of OIC. Note: if you only have 1 OIC instance, stopping it won’t save you any money.

Do not this for your production instance of OIC as your integrations will not work while the instance is stopped! For more information, see page 98.

How to use start_stop.py

First, your tenancy must have a configured user that can call the OCI API, with an API key. Next, that user needs to have the USE permission in IAM for OIC.

You will need to change the following lines in the code: 13, 18, 20, and 22, to have your relevant details.

In order to authenticate the API calls to OCI, we use signing requests. If you have problems, double check your credentials, or look at the OCI API Errors documentation.

This script also calls the announcements API.

This script is made for instances in the Ashburn region, if your instance is located elsewhere, please see this documentation. You will then need to change the code on lines 120, 134, and 149.

After configuring your credentials, once you run the script, simply enter 1, 2, or 3. Then paste your relevant OCIDs.

How to use flask.py & schedule.go

This is a flask deployment, an alternative to the manual entry above. You can use scheduled API calls to this flask API to start & stop OIC instead of manually using start_stop.py. You can use this cron package for GO like I do in this repo. The schedule.go file forms a basis for background scheduled API calls. After running the ‘go get’ and setting your $GOROOT, you can run:

nohup go run schedule.go &

To stop the scheduled API calls, run:

ps -ef | grep go

And then:

kill #

You will need to change the following lines:

39, 53, 67, 79, 84, 86, 88 

If you are outside of the Ashburn region, also change lines 42, 56, and 69. You will need to deploy the flask API and go cron job to your infrastructure of choice. You cannot use OIC to start itself by calling the flask API, as it will already be off.

Where to find your tenancy OCID

From the OCI console, click the top left hamburger menu, navigate to identity, then compartments. Click your root compartment.

Now copy the OCID from the details screen.

Where to find your OIC OCID

From the OCI console, navigate to Application Integration. Click on your instance.

This is where you can copy your OCID that is to be inputted with the script prompt.


If it’s your first time running the script, you may get an error such as:

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'httpsig_cffi'


pip install httpsig_cffi

Or whatever module you may be missing.

If you are having problems generating API PEM keys for your IAM user, you can use this link to generate your PEM keys.